To Maintain The Health Of The Brain Needs Vitamins D And E. Part 1 of 3

To Maintain The Health Of The Brain Needs Vitamins D And E – Part 1 of 3

To Maintain The Health Of The Brain Needs Vitamins D And E. Three creative studies suggest that vitamins D and E might employee keep our minds sharper, aid in warding off dementia, and even offer some protection against Parkinson’s disease, although much more research is needed to confirm the findings. In one trial, British researchers tied sad levels of vitamin D to higher odds of developing dementia, while a Dutch study found that people with diets rich in vitamin E had a lower risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Finally, a lessons released by Finnish researchers linked high blood levels of vitamin D to a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. In the first report, published in the July 12 event of the Archives of Internal Medicine, a research team led by David J Llewellyn of the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom found that among 858 older adults, those with inferior levels of vitamin D were more likely to develop dementia.

In fact, people who had blood levels of vitamin D lower than 25 nanomoles per liter were 60 percent more favourite to develop substantial declines overall in thinking, learning and memory over the six years of the study. In addition, they were 31 percent more likely to have lower scores in the test measuring “executive function” than those with adequate vitamin D levels, while levels of attention remained unaffected, the researchers found. “Executive function” is a set of high-level cognitive abilities that help people organize, prioritize, fit to change and plan for the future.

And “The association remained significant after adjustment for a wide range of potential factors, and when analyses were restricted to elderly subjects who were non-demented at baseline,” Llewellyn’s team wrote. The accomplishable role of vitamin D in preventing other illnesses has been investigated by other researchers, but one expert cautioned that the evidence for taking vitamin D supplements is still unproven.

So “There is currently quite a lot of ardour for vitamin D supplementation, of both individuals and populations, in the belief that it will reduce the burden of many diseases,” said Dr Andrew Grey, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and co-author of an position statement in the July 12 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. “This enthusiasm is predicated upon data from observational studies – which are subject to confounding, and are hypothesis-generating rather than hypothesis-testing – rather than randomized controlled trials. Calls for widespread vitamin D supplementation are green on the basis of current evidence”.

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